Saturday, August 28, 2010

Taxes?!?!? Taxes??!?!? One of the greatest debates between liberalism and common sense is unfolding at ground zero and we're talking taxes??? That's ok, this will help show our different approach to all six of our readers. All those numbers in your post reminded me that I hate math. Fortunately, I don't need much math to present my take on this.

First of all, I don't believe for a second that this has anything to do with relieving the deficit. If Washington or local governments for that matter were really interested in slowing the deficit, they would cut the ridiculous spending for programs that get no results (which I would argue are most govt programs). It should be obvious to all of us by now that the more money the govt gets, the more they spend. Too many in the govt right now seem to underestimate the problems that will come with our out of control deficit. They are, however, happy to use the deficit as an excuse to raise taxes so lets deal with that.

Raising taxes has never worked for anyone in any way. Every time taxes have been cut, the revenue to the govt has increased. When people get to keep more of what they earn, they earn more and spend more. Both of which bring in more tax money. When taxes are raised, it depresses the economy. Money gets stashed instead of spent which by the way hurts many other income brackets. If people with money stop buying luxury items, many lesser paying jobs will be affected like waiters, land scapers, auto workers, etc. We can see this in California. The state has one of the highest tax rates and it's bankrupt. New York is not far behind, but states with NO income tax like Texas and Florida are doing great. Raising taxes NEVER works and it's been proven time and time again.

Now, about Mr. two hundred grand a year. He (or she) already pays more taxes the you or me. To keep it simple for me, lets go with ten percent. If I make 100 g's I pay 10. Someone making 200 will pay 20. Your argument seems to be that the person with more doesn't need it as much as the person with less. Who in the name of Twisted Sister gave anyone that decision. If someone wants to make a billion dollars, they should be able to without getting punished for it. By the way, the ones making big money are often times responsible for employing others. Tax them too much and it's a guarantee that jobs will be cut.

Redistribution of wealth is taking from those who have more and giving it to those who have less. Look at health care, or the bailouts. Where do you think this money is coming from? The taxpayer! And the people making the most money are already footing most of that bill by far.

Don't forget that when the Bush tax cuts expire, it will include the death tax and things like that will hurt the under 200k crowd much worse then the over.

I hope I hit on everything you brought up. We'll have to figure out how long to keep each of these going before we move on. I think we'll stick with each single topic until you agree with me totally.

Brice says hi. He was recounting the day you were here when Joe and Dad put in that new dishwasher. I still can't get all the blue tape off.

See Ya

1 comment:

  1. Wait did you just bring up ground zero? What does that have to do with taxes?
